


European Roma Rights Centre : The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is an international public interest law organisation working to combat anti-Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma through strategic litigation, research and policy development, advocacy and human rights education.


National Commission for the Human Rights in Greece : NCHR is a statutory National Human Rights Institution having a consultative status with the Greek State on issues pertaining to human rights protection and promotion.



Open Society Foundation's Mayors Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Inclusion Network (MERI) brings together municipalities from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, and at a later stage from FYROM, Croatia, Serbia and the Czech Republic to exchange good practice, establish services for Roma and support the use of EU funds by local communities.


The EUROCITIES Roma inclusion task force promotes exchanges of good practice, awareness raising on the city perspective on EU mobility and Roma inclusion, and access to funding for local policies on Roma inclusion. MERI and EUROCITIES also support an East-West exchange programme to transfer good examples of inclusive and accessible local services from Western to Eastern Europe and improve services for Roma moving the other way around.


Council of Europe's European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion supports local and regional authorities in exchanging experiences and practices, organises thematic workshops and training or study visits and shares information on policies and sources of funding.


ROMED (Intercultural mediation for Roma) is a joint programme of the Council of Europe and the European Commission to improve the interaction of local public institutions and authorities with Roma communities and thereby ensure the access of Roma to their rights. It is implemented in 22 European countries.


Mayors for Roma Inclusion Forum is an initiative of the International Visegrad Fund where Mayors from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia share experience and best practices for the integration of Roma populations.


Urbact Roma-Net project is a partnership of nine European cities to inform and support city partners to develop local action plans for the social inclusion of young Roma and their transition into active adult citizens.


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